Shatter the Gate

Nazwa Shatter the Gate
Edycja Heirs to the Blood Reprint   (lista kart)
Rarity C/A3
Tekst karty +1 stealth action. Requires an infernal Baali with capacity 9 or more.
Put this card on this Baali. A vampire with capacity 6 or more can burn the Edge to burn this card as a (D) action. If this Baali has three Shatter the Gate, burn them all to give each other Methuselah 1 shattered counter. A Methuselah with any shattered counters burns 3 pool during their unlock phase.
Rodzaj Action   
Burn Option Y
Wymagania infernal,capacity 9
Wymagany klan Baali
Rysownik Samuel Araya