Horrid Reality

Nazwa Horrid Reality
Edycja Dark Sovereigns   (lista kart)
Rarity U2
Tekst karty Only usable before range is determined in combat.
[chi] Equip this minion with the first weapon you find in your library (working down from the top). Do not pay the cost for this weapon. Shuffle afterward. At the end of the combat, burn the weapon if it is still in play.
[CHI] As above, but return the equipment to your library at the end of combat if it is still in play. Shuffle afterward.
Rodzaj Combat   
Dyscyplina Chimerstry
Blood Cost 2
Nazwa Edycja [down] Rarity Cena Ilość Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Horrid Reality Dark Sovereigns EN U2 12.00 PLN 4 M/NM PL sbodek
Horrid Reality Final Nights EN PR 12.00 PLN 1 M/NM PL sbodek