Bloodstorm of Chorazin

Nazwa Bloodstorm of Chorazin
Edycja Kindred Most Wanted   (lista kart)
Rarity C/PB2
Tekst karty Only usable when a Baali successfully blocks an ally or younger vampire. Tap this Baali and end the action (with no combat). This Baali inflicts 1 unpreventable damage on the acting minion and each of his or her retainers. Burn Option.
Rodzaj Reaction   
Wymagany klan Baali
Nazwa Edycja Rarity Cena [down] Ilość Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Bloodstorm of Chorazin Kindred Most Wanted EN C/PB2 0.38 PLN 29 M/NM PL sbodek