Undue Influence

Nazwa Undue Influence
Edycja Kindred Most Wanted   (lista kart)
Rarity C
Tekst karty +1 stealth action. Requires a ready anarch. Choose a vampire in your uncontrolled region. [chi] (D) Move 1 blood from a vampire in any uncontrolled region to the chosen vampire. [pre] (D) Bleed. If the bleed is successful, put 1 blood counter on the chosen vampire. [qui] Put one blood counter on the chosen vampire. If the number of counters equals or exceeds his or her capacity, move that vampire to your ready region.
Rodzaj Action   
Dyscyplina Chimerstry/Presence/Quietus
Wymagania anarch
Nazwa Edycja [down] Rarity Cena Ilość Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Undue Influence Anarchs and Alastor Storyline EN P 11.00 PLN 3 M/NM PL sbodek