Death of the Drum

Nazwa Death of the Drum
Edycja Legacies of Blood   (lista kart)
Rarity C
Tekst karty Only usable at long range.
[cel]: Strike: 1R damage.
[mel]: Strike: 2R damage, only preventable by cards that require Fortitude [for] or Visceratika [vis].
[MEL]: As [mel] above, and the damage is aggravated.
Rodzaj Combat   
Dyscyplina Melpominee/Celerity
Blood Cost 1
Flavor Music, to create harmony, must investigate discord.
Rysownik Avery Butterworth
Nazwa Edycja [down] Rarity Cena Ilość Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Death of the Drum Legacies of Blood EN C 2.00 PLN 17 M/NM PL sbodek