Sires Command, Childer Inherit

Nazwa Sires Command, Childer Inherit
Edycja Legacies of Blood   (lista kart)
Rarity C
Tekst karty +1 stealth action. Requires a ready Laibon.
Move 1 blood from the blood bank to any other Laibon. Alternatively, if this Laibon is a magaji, (D) tap two ready Laibon who belong to the same clan (as each other) and are controlled by the same Methuselah (as each other).
Rodzaj Action   
Wymagania laibon
Flavor An egg never sits on a hen.
Kiswahili proverb
Rysownik William O'Connor
Nazwa Edycja [down] Rarity Cena Ilość Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Sires Command, Childer Inherit Legacies of Blood EN C 0.60 PLN 23 M/NM PL sbodek