Lista kart dla edycji Heirs to the Blood:

Skan Nazwa [down] Rodzaj Klan Rarity
Abbot Action PSal3
Abebe Samedi PSam
Absorb the Mind Combat PKia3
Agent of Power Master PSam4
Al-Muntathir, God's Witness True Brujah U
Alcoan Harbinger of Skulls U
Amulet of Temporal Perception Equipment R
Andrew Emory Lasombra PKia
Angel Chavarria Samedi U
Annazir Baali U
Antediluvian Awakening Master PGar
Anu Diptinatpa Nagaraja U
Aredhel Salubri antitribu PSal
Ariel Salubri antitribu U
Arishat Baali U
As the Crow Action Modifier C
Asguresh Nagaraja U
Aura Absorption Reaction/Action Modifier PKia4
Auspex Master PSal
Autonomic Mastery Combat PKia
Azrael Salubri antitribu U
Baroque Samedi U/PSam2
Barrenness Action R
Baseball Bat Equipment PSal5
Benefit Performance Political Action C
Black Wallace Lasombra PKia
Blanket of Night Action Modifier PKia
Blessed Resilience Master R
Blessing of the Beast Master R2
Blessing of the Name Action PSal
Blind Spot Master PKia2
Bliss Combat/Reaction R
Blissful Agony Combat PSal
Blood Tempering Action R2
Blooding by the Code Master PSal2
Bonding Action Modifier PKia6
Brick by Brick Combat C
Brigitte Mandisa Samedi U
Brother in Arms Action PSal2
Bum's Rush Action PGar3
Byzar Harbinger of Skulls U
Camera Phone Equipment PSam3
Capitalist Master PKia2
Cavalier Master R
Cedric Gargoyle PGar2
Channel 10 Master PKia
Chantry Master PGar
Charge of the Buffalo Action R
Chaundice Gargoyle U
Cheat the Fates Action R
Claus Wegener Tremere PGar
Cloak the Gathering Action Modifier PSam4
Clockwerx Combat R
Code of Samiel Master R
Cold Aura Combat PSam2
Command Performance Master R
Compress Combat PSam2
Computer Hacking Action PSam4
Conditioning Action Modifier PGar4
Coroner's Contact Master PSam2
Corporate Hunting Ground Master PSal
Covincraft Reaction PKia2
Create Gargoyle Action PGar
Dabbler Master R
Dagger Equipment C
Dame Hollerton Kiasyd PKia
Danylo Blood Brother U
Darkness Within Combat PKia2
Darlene Killian Ahrimanes U
Dawn Operation Action Modifier PSal2
Death Seeker Combat C/PSal2
Decompose Action R
Deep Song Action PSam2
Defender of the Haven Action PGar
Deflection Reaction PGar4
Depravity Master PGar
Development Master C
Diabolic Lure Reaction C
Din of the Damned Action Modifier C
Dive Bomb Action C
Divine Sign Action PSam
Dominate Master PKia
Dovey Ebfwe Ahrimanes U
Draeven Softfoot (Changeling) Ally R
Dragonbound Event PSal
Dreams of the Sphinx Master PSam
Dummy Corporation Master PSam
Ears of the Hare Reaction C
Effective Management Master PGar2
Elder Intervention Reaction PSam2
Enhanced Senses Reaction PSal3
Ensconced Action / Reaction R
Ermenegildo, The Rake Lasombra PKia
Eternal Vigilance Action PKia
Evil Eye Combat/Reaction C
Evil Jensen Daughter of Cacophony U
Eye of Unforgiving Heaven Combat PSal
Eyes of Argus Reaction PSal3
Fae Contortion Action Modifier/Combat PKia3
Faerie Wards Reaction C
Fame Master PGar/PSal
Fanfare for Elysium Political Action R2
Federico di Padua Nosferatu PSam
Flames of the Netherworld Combat C
Foldable Machine Gun Equipment C
Folderol Reaction PKia2
Fortitude Master PSal
Fractura Combat R
Frank Weisshadel Tremere PGar
Freak Drive Action Modifier PSam2
Fustuk Gargoyle U
Gavrylo Blood Brother U
Gift of Sleep Action Modifier / Reaction C
Goblinism Action PKia
Govern the Unaligned Action PKia6/PSal4
Graverobbing Action P
Great Symposium Master R
Greater Curse Action C
Greer Worder Kiasyd U
Gremlins Action C
Groaning Corpse Combat C
Grotesque Gargoyle U2
Guardian Angel Master PGar
Hag's Wrinkles Action Modifier PSam
Harlan Graves Daughter of Cacophony U
Harmony Action R
Harold Tanner Nosferatu PSam
Hatch the Viper Retainer R
Hatchling Action PGar
Hay Ride Action Modifier R
Hector Trelane Tremere PGar
Helen Fairchild Ahrimanes U
Hexe Combat C
Hide the Heart Reaction C/PSal2
Hillanvale Daughter of Cacophony U
Hive Mind Action C
Horseshoes Action PSam2
Houngan Master PSam
Hunger Moon Event R
I am Legion Action Modifier R
Immortal Grapple Combat PGar3
Indomitability Combat PSal5
Infernal Servitor Ally R2
Information Highway Master PSal
Isanwayen Kiasyd U/PKia2
J. S. Simmons, Esq. Retainer PGar
Janet Langer Daughter of Cacophony U
Jar of Skin Eaters Equipment C
Jefferson Foster Ventrue antitribu PSal
Jephta Hester Ventrue antitribu PSal
Josette Samedi U
Joumlon's Axe Equipment R
Journal of Hrorsh Equipment R
Jozz Nagaraja U
Knotted Cord Action Modifier/Reaction R
Kyrylo Blood Brother U
La Viuda Blanca Harbinger of Skulls U
Langa Salubri antitribu PSal
Lead Fist Combat C/PGar2
Lily Prelude Political Action C
Little Mountain Cemetery Action PSam2
Lord Ephraim Wainwright Tremere PGar
Lord of Serenity Action C
Lord Vauxhall Lasombra PKia
Lost in Crowds Action Modifier PSam4
Loving Agony Combat C
Luca Italicus Lasombra PKia
Lydia, Grand Praetor True Brujah U
Macoute Samedi PSam
Malachai Gargoyle U
Maleficia Master C
Mariel St. John Ventrue antitribu PSal
Marked Path Action Modifier PSam
Masca Action Modifier C
Mask of a Thousand Faces Action Modifier PSam2
Matthew Salubri U
Melange Reaction PSal
Member of the Entourage Ally R2
Mikael Birkholm True Brujah U
Mind of the Wilds Action Modifier C
Minor Curse Action R
Mole's Tunneling Action Modifier C
Momentary Delay Action Modifier C
Mordechai Ben-Nun Harbinger of Skulls U
Morlock Samedi U
Morphean Blow Combat C
Mr. Winthrop Retainer PKia
Muhsin Samir Tremere PGar
Murmur of the False Will Action Modifier/Reaction PKia4
Myrna Goldman Kiasyd U
Nahum Enosh Salubri U
Neighbor John Ventrue antitribu PSal
New Moon Sigil Action R
Nicomedes Harbinger of Skulls U
Night Moves Action PSam3
Nitidas Kiasyd U
Nkechi Salubri antitribu PSal
Nocturn Ally PKia2
Obaluaye Salubri U
Obedience Reaction PKia3
Obtenebration Master PKia
Off Kilter Action C/PSam2
Olid Loa Combat R
Omme Enberbenight Kiasyd PKia
On the Qui Vive Reaction PKia3/PSam4
Oppugnant Night Action C
Oubliette Combat PKia3
Outside the Hourglass Combat C
Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight Action PSam
Patrol Reaction PGar4
Pavlo Blood Brother U
Penitent Resilience Action Modifier/Combat C
Petra Nosferatu PSam
Pherydima Kiasyd PKia
Pocket Out of Time Action Modifier C
Political Hunting Ground Master PKia
Polly Kay Fisher Ventrue antitribu PSal
Potio Martyrium Action R
Pounce Combat PGar2
Precognition Reaction PSal3
Pressing Flesh Action R
Psalm of the Damned Action Modifier C
Qawiyya el-Ghaduba Salubri antitribu U
Raking Talons Combat PGar3
Rampage Action PSam
Rashiel Salubri antitribu PSal
Ravager Master C
Raw Recruit Action R
Razor Bat Retainer PGar3
Reanimated Corpse Ally PSam3
Research Master R
Ritual Scalpel Equipment R
Rocia Gargoyle PGar2
Rock Cat Ally PGar
Rockheart Combat PGar4
Roderick Phillips March Kiasyd PKia
Rumble Action PSal2
Rusticus Gargoyle U/PGar2
Safe Passage Action Modifier C
Sahana Ahrimanes U
Scarlet Lore Action R
Scobax Reaction C
Scourge of Alecto Combat C
Scout Youngwood Daughter of Cacophony U
Scry the Hearthstone Reaction PGar4
Sense Death Action PSal2
Serenna the White Salubri U
Shaal Fragment Equipment R
Shadow Play Action Modifier PKia4
Shadowed Eyes Action R
Shahid Nosferatu PSam
Shalmath True Brujah U
Shatter the Gate Action C
Shattering Crescendo Action C
Shroud of Absence Action Modifier PKia
Silas Salubri antitribu U
Slag Nosferatu PSam
Slake the Thirst Action Modifier / Combat C
Slam Combat PGar4
Soak Combat PGar4/PSam2
Song of Pan Action PKia
Soul of the Earth Action PGar
Spirit Claws Combat / Action R
Sport Bike Equipment PSam3
Steadfastness Reaction PSam3
Stiff Contempt Action Modifier C
Stone Travel Action Modifier PKia6
Stonestrength Combat PGar4
Striga Master C
Strix Reaction R
Sudden Reversal Master PKia
Summon History Action R
Sword of the Righteous Combat PSal3
Sylvie Helgon Ahrimanes U
Tanginé Samedi P
Target Vitals Combat PSal3
Tarrence Moore Tremere PGar
Telepathic Counter Reaction PSal2
Tend the Flock Master C
Thaumaturgy Master PGar
The Ailing Spirit Action R
The Arcadian Kiasyd U
The Barrens Master PGar
The Black Beast Combat R
The Horde Baali U2
The Path of Harmony Master R
The Path of Retribution Master PSal
The Path of Service Master R
The Rising Event R
The unnamed Baali U
Thicker than Blood Master R2
Threading the Path of Orpheus Action R
Three's a Crowd Combat C
Tinglestripe Equipment C/PKia2
Titus Camille Ventrue antitribu PSal
Topaz Nosferatu PSam
Torn Signpost Combat PGar3
Toy Samedi U
Treat the Sick Mind Action / Reaction R
Troglodytia Samedi PSam
Under My Skin Action Modifier C/PSam2
Underbridge Stray Ally PSam
Unflinching Persistence Combat PSal5
Unleash Hell's Fury Action R
Uriel Salubri antitribu U/PSal2
Vaticination Action C
Veejay Vinod Nagaraja U
Veil the Legions Action Modifier PSam4
Veneficti (Mage) Ally R
Vengeance of Samiel Combat PSal3
Vessel Master PKia/PSal2/PSam2
Villein Master PGar2/PKia2/PSal2/PS
Virginie, Prodigy Lasombra PKia
Virtuosa Action Modifier C
Visionquest Action C
Voices of the Castle Reaction C/PGar2
Volo Blood Brother U
Wake with Evening's Freshness Reaction PGar6/PSal5
Warding the Beast Action R
Warsaw Station Master PSam
Wasserschloss Anif, Austria Master PGar
Wider View Master C/PKia2
Xeper, Sultan of Lepers Baali U
Zaire River Ferry Equipment PKia