Lista kart dla edycji Keepers of Tradition Reprint:

Skan Nazwa Rodzaj [up] Klan Rarity
Adana de Sforza Brujah PB2/A2
Aidan Lyle Tremere V/B1
Aleister Crowley Malkavian PM2/A1
Alex Wilkins Caitiff V/B1
Allanyan Serata Toreador V/B2
Alonso Petrodon Nosferatu V/A2
Andre LeRoux Toreador V/B2
Andrew Stuart Tremere V/B2
Ariadne Gangrel V/A2
Arthur Denholm Malkavian V/A1
Baron Dieudonne Nosferatu V/A2
Beetleman Nosferatu V/A1
Bela Malkavian V/A1
Benjamin Rose Nosferatu V/A1
Bernard, the Scourge Gangrel V/A1
Beth Malcolm Ventrue V/B1
Bethany Ray Toreador V/B2
Bloody Mary Malkavian V/A1
Bulscu Ventrue V/B2
Carlak Brujah V/A1
Cassandra Langely, The Waif Malkavian PM2/A1
César Holfield Caitiff V/B1
Claus Wegener Tremere V/B1
Count Zaroff Caitiff V/B1
Dmitra Ilyanova Brujah V/A2
Don Caravelli Brujah V/A1
Don Cerro Brujah V/A1
Donald Cargill Caitiff V/B1
Dr. John Dee Tremere V/B2
Dr. Solomon Grey Caitiff V/B1
Emily Carson Ventrue V/B1
Epikasta Rigatos Toreador PT2/B2
Eugene Toreador PT2/B1
Ezra Hawthorne Tremere V/B1
Fakir al Sidi Gangrel V/A2
Federico di Padua Nosferatu V/A1
Fergus Alexander Gangrel V/A1
Florentina Lengauer Malkavian PM2/A1
Foureyes Nosferatu V/A1
Frank Weisshadel Tremere V/B1
Freddy Gage Caitiff V/B1
Gabrielle di Righetti Tremere V/B2
Garret Brujah PB2/A1
Gem Ghastly Malkavian V/A2
Gerald Windham Tremere V/B2
Gotsdam, The Tired Warrior Ventrue PV2/B2
Gracetius Brujah V/A2
Graham Gottesman Ventrue V/B2
Gunnar Gangrel V/A1
Gustaphe Brunnelle Nosferatu V/A2
Gustav Breidenstein Ventrue PV2/B1
Gwendolyn Fleming Toreador B2
Gwyedd Gangrel V/A1
Hardestadt Ventrue PV2/B2
Harold Tanner Nosferatu V/A1
Herbert Westin Brujah PB2/A1
Hiram "Hide" DeVries Ventrue B2
Honest Abe Brujah V/A1
Iris Bennett Caitiff V/B1
Jack Tredegar Ventrue V/B1
Jackson Asher Ventrue PV2/B1
Jann Berger Brujah PB2/A1
Jeremy "Wix" Wyzchovsky Nosferatu V/A1
João Bilé Ventrue PV2/B1
Johan Wrede Caitiff V/B1
Johannes Castelein Ventrue PV2/B1
Josef von Bauren Nosferatu V/A2
Joseph DiGiaccomo Ventrue V/B1
Kalila Malkavian V/A1
Karen Suadela Brujah V/A2
Kateline Nadasdy Toreador PT2/B1
Keller Thiel Malkavian V/A1
Lillian Gangrel V/A1
Lindsay Yates Toreador V/B1
Lisé Gangrel V/A1
Lodin (Olaf Holte) Ventrue V/B2
Lord Ephraim Wainwright Tremere V/B1
Lord Fianna Malkavian V/A1
Lutz von Hohenzollern Malkavian PM2/A2
Lynn Thompson Brujah V/A1
MacAlister Marshall Tremere V/B1
Mary Anne Blaire Ventrue V/B2
Masdela Toreador V/B1
Mictlantecuhtli Gangrel V/A2
Miguel Cordovera Tremere V/B1
Mistress Fanchon Tremere V/B2
Montecalme Toreador V/B2
Morel Malkavian PM2/A1
Nichodemus Nosferatu V/A1
Osric Vladislav Malkavian A2
Paul Calderone Brujah V/A1
Pedrag Hasek Ventrue V/B1
Philippe de Marseilles Toreador V/B2
Portia Ventrue V/B1
Rafael de Corazon Toreador PT2/B2
Randall Gangrel V/A1
Rathmere Gangrel V/A1
Reginald Moore Brujah PB2/A1
Reiner Stoschka Malkavian V/A1
Robert Price Gangrel V/A1
Rutor Tremere V/B2
Ruxandra Nosferatu V/A1
Santaleous Malkavian V/A2
Sean Andrews Toreador PT2/B1
Sergei Voshkov, The Eye Nosferatu V/A2
Sheva Carr Toreador V/B1
Shiloh Marie, Vengeance Gangrel V/A1
Slag Nosferatu V/A1
Talbot Gangrel V/A2
Tara Brujah V/A2
Tarrence Moore Tremere V/B1
The Ankou Malkavian V/A2
Themistocles Brujah V/A2
Thomas De Lutrius Toreador PT2/B1
Tomaine Brujah PB2/A1
Troius Tremere V/B1
Tryphosa Malkavian PM2/A1
Tyler McGill Toreador V/B2
Unmada Malkavian V/A2
Vasily Toreador V/B1
Victor Donaldson Ventrue V/B2
Viktor, The Night General Gangrel V/A2
Walker Grimes Caitiff V/B1
William Thorbecke Tremere V/B1
Zane Tremere V/B2
Zelios Nosferatu V/A1
Childling Muse Retainer U/A1
Eyes of Argus Reaction C/B2
Eyes of the Beast Reaction C/A2
Steadfastness Reaction C/B2
Wrong and Crosswise Reaction C/A2
Neonate Breach Political Action C/A2
Persona Non Grata Political Action U/B1
Dark Influences Master U/A1
Ephor Master R/B1
New Carthage Master R/A1
Nocturn Theater Master R/A1
Papillon Master U/A1
Villein Master U/A2/B2
Warsaw Station Master R/A1
Scourge of the Enochians Event R/B1
Agate Talisman Equipment C/B1
Kevlar Vest Equipment U/B2
Light Intensifying Goggles Equipment U/B2
Charismatic Aura Combat U/B2
No Trace Combat C/A2
Rego Motus Combat C/B2
Target Retainer Combat R/B1
Torrent Combat C/B2
Arcane Appraiser Ally R/B1
Ponticulus Ally R/B1
Touch of Clarity Action Modifier/Reaction R/A2
Force of Personality Action Modifier/Combat C/B2
Mouthpiece Action Modifier C/B2
Old Friends Action Modifier U/A2
Perfect Paragon Action Modifier U/B2
Tainted Spring Action Modifier R/A1
Blood of Sandman Action U/B2
Dark Mirror of the Mind Action U/A2
Deep Song Action C/A2
Fleetness Action C/B2
Heroic Might Action U/A2
Horseshoes Action C/A2
Loki's Gift Action C/A2
Soul Scan Action R/B2
The Becoming Action U/A2