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To spis zwycięskiego decku:
Deck Name: Noseratu Animalism
Author: Maciej Jamroszczak
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=1 max=6 avg=4.)
1x Malcolm 2 ani Gangrel:5
1x Walker Grimes 1 ani Caitiff:5
1x Baixinho 3 ani obf Nosferatu:6
2x Dowager, The 6 aus pot ANI OBF Nosferatu:6
1x Horace Radcliffe 5 obf ANI POT Nosferatu:6
2x Larissa Moreira 6 pot ANI OBF Nosferatu:6
2x Lenny Burkhead 6 obf pot pre ANI Nosferatu:6
1x Darlene Killian 2 ani spi Ahrimane:5
1x Dhita Choudhair 5 aus ANI CHI Ravnos:6
Library: 90 cards
Master (14 cards)
2x Fame
1x Guardian Angel
1x KRCG News Radio
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
4x Vessel
1x Dark Influences
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (11 cards)
1x Army of Rats
10x Deep Song
Combat (36 cards)
3x Target Vitals
3x Taste of Vitae
3x Terror Frenzy
14x Aid from Bats
2x Canine Horde
11x Carrion Crows
Ally (2 cards)
1x Underbridge Stray
1x Carlton Van Wyk
Retainer (6 cards)
1x Mr. Winthrop
5x Raven Spy
Equipment (1 cards)
1x Sniper Rifle
Reaction (20 cards)
5x On the Qui Vive
4x Protected District
4x Warrens, The
5x Cats' Guidance
2x Delaying Tactics