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Autor Wątek: Unique World limited tournament  (Przeczytany 1546 razy)


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  • Prince of Kosice (SK)
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Unique World limited tournament
« dnia: Marca 13, 2007, 05:07:32 pm »

HI Everybody

I would like to invite You or other players from Your region to our V:TES limited tournament. special rules for this tournament are included in below. We can order accomodation for you in different locations which are not far from place where tournament occurs so just simple wrote us and ask for it.
If you have some more question feel free to ask me or my co-organizer Zsolt Varga on folowing contacts:

Peter Ducai - prince
cell phone - +421 915 929 473
email - prince_of_kosice@centrum.sk

Zsolt Varga - co-organizer
cell phone - +421 903 639 474
email - zsolko@ejot.sk

We are looking forward to see on tournament.

Peter Ducai
Prince of Kosice

Tournament special rules:

Crypt – rules

Maximum of 18 vampires in the crypt. Minimum of 12 vampires.
Only one UNIQUE vampire can be in the crypt.
Before game begin: each player reveals his or her entire crypt.
Remove from the game each UNIQUE vampire, which can be contested in all crypts.
Then each player shuffles his or her crypt and draws 4 vampires normally.
Player with no vampire in his or her crypt is not ousted automatically.

Library – rules

Political Seizure – is banned

Play – rules

Each player: during his or her Untap Phase can discard from his or her hand a UNIQUE card or a card that generates a UNIQUE EFFECT in play, that is already in play.
Ivory bow in play, the player may discard an Ivory bow card during Untap Phase.
Praxis Seizure: Atlanta in play, player may discard Praxis Seizure: Atlanta card.
Cock Robin in play, player may discard a Nosferatu Justicar card.

When a player discards a card in this way: put a UNIQUITY token on a card in play, which is contesting the discarded card.

Any minion can make a D action against the controller of the card to steal the card (or effect) with the UNIQUITY token on it.
When the action is successful: remove the token from the card.
The controller of the acting minion is now the controller of the card (or effect).
If it is equipment or retainer card, put this card on the acting vampire.
If it is ally or location card, put this card in your active region.
If the stolen card has in text “put this card on …”, you can choose a new legal target for this card.
After discarding a Pentex Subversion card, you can steal it and put it on a new target.
After discarding a Nosferatu Justicar card, you can steal the Justicar title from Cock Robin and put the title on any ready Nosferatu.
SK National Coordinator, Prince of Prague (CZ)