
Nazwa Resurrection
Edycja Bloodlines   (lista kart)
Rarity R1
Tekst karty +1 stealth action. Only usable if a retainer or ally has been burned since your last turn.
[val] Move the retainer or ally card from your ash heap to your hand.
[obe] Move the retainer card from its Methuselah's ash heap to this acting vampire, with life from the blood bank equal to its starting life. Use the normal version, if it requires a Discipline.
[OBE] As [obe] above, but move the ally card instead. Put it in your ready region, untapped.
Rodzaj Action   
Dyscyplina Obeah/Valeren
Blood Cost 1
Nazwa Edycja Rarity Cena Ilość [down] Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
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