Predator's Mastery

Nazwa Predator's Mastery
Edycja Legacies of Blood   (lista kart)
Rarity C
Tekst karty [abo] [REFLEX] Cancel a frenzy card played on this vampire as it is played.
[abo] +1 bleed. After playing this card, you cannot play another action modifier to further increase the bleed for this action.
[ABO] As [abo] above, and non-mortal allies and vampires with capacity less than 5 cannot block this action.
Rodzaj Action Modifier   
Dyscyplina Abombwe
Rysownik Alexander Dunnigan
Nazwa Edycja [up] Rarity Cena Ilość Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Predator's Mastery Legacies of Blood EN C 0.50 PLN Oryginalna cena 0.10 GBP 15 M/NM EN nekhomanta
Predator's Mastery Legacies of Blood EN C 0.50 PLN 32 M/NM PL sbodek