Eyes of Blades

Nazwa Eyes of Blades
Edycja Lords of the Night   (lista kart)
Rarity R
Tekst karty Do not replace until your untap phase.
[aus][cel] Strike: dodge, and this vampire may prevent 1 damage from a retainer.
[AUS][CEL] Only usable before range is determined. This round, this vampire cannot strike, and strikes and damage from retainers have no effect on this vampire and any non-retainer cards on him or her.
Rodzaj Combat   
Dyscyplina Auspex & Celerity
Rysownik Brian LeBlanc
Nazwa Edycja Rarity Cena Ilość [down] Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Eyes of Blades Lords of the Night EN R 8.00 PLN 1 M/NM PL sbodek