Reins of Power

Nazwa Reins of Power
Edycja Anarchs   (lista kart)
Rarity C
Tekst karty Political Card - Worth 1 Vote. Called by any vampire at +1 stealth.
Successful referendum means each Methuselah may choose a ready vampire he or she controls. Each Methuselah gains 6 pool. Each Methuselah also burns an amount of pool equal to the capacity of his or her predator's chosen vampire. Only one Reins of Power can be played in a game.
Rodzaj Political Action   
Nazwa Edycja [down] Rarity Cena orientacyjna*
Reins of Power Anarchs EN C 0.63 PLN
Reins of Power Kindred Most Wanted EN PAN 0.63 PLN
Reins of Power Third Edition EN PTr1 0.63 PLN
Reins of Power Keepers of Tradition EN C/PV 0.63 PLN
Reins of Power Sabbat Preconstructed EN PoS1 0.63 PLN
Riendas del poder Sabbat Preconstructed ES PoS1 0.63 PLN
Reins of Power (FR) Sabbat Preconstructed FR PoS1 0.63 PLN
Reins of Power Twenty-Fifth Anniversary EN 1 0.63 PLN
Riendas del poder Twenty-Fifth Anniversary ES 1 0.63 PLN
Rênes du pouvoir Twenty-Fifth Anniversary FR 1 0.63 PLN
Reins of Power Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Reprint EN 1 0.63 PLN
* - cena ogólna jest tylko ceną orientacyjną, każdy sprzedawca może dowolnie ustalić swoją cenę