Skan |
Aabbt Kindred |
U2 |
Abd al-Rashid |
PA |
Abomination |
R |
Acquired Ventrue Assets |
PG |
Aire of Elation |
PS3 |
Aisha |
PS1 |
Aisling Sturbridge |
U |
Akhenaten, The Sun Pharaoh (Mummy) |
PG |
Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut |
PA |
Alamut |
PA |
Amam the Devourer (Bane Mummy) |
R2 |
Ambrogino Giovanni |
U2 |
Ambrosius, The Ferryman (Wraith) |
PG |
Ambush |
PA3 |
Amisa |
PS |
Amria |
C2/PR |
Anatole, Prophet of Gehenna |
U |
Andrea Giovanni |
U2 |
Animalism |
PR |
Anka, Priestess of Thorns |
U2 |
Ankla Hotep |
PR |
Anwar |
U2 |
Apparition |
PR3 |
Arcanum Chapterhouse, Alexandria |
PS |
Army of Rats |
PR |
Arson |
PS |
Atonement |
Augustus Giovanni |
R |
Aziz, Dammar of Istanbul |
U2 |
Backstab |
PA |
Badr al-Budur |
U2 |
Bajazet al-Nasir |
U2 |
Baleful Doll |
C2 |
Bang Nakh - Tiger's Claws |
PR |
Banishment |
PS |
Banner of Neutrality |
C2 |
Blackmail |
C2/PS |
Blessing of Durga Syn |
PR |
Blood Agony |
PA |
Blood Clots |
C2 |
Blood Doll |
PA/PG... |
Blood of the Cobra |
R2 |
Blood Sweat |
PA5 |
Blood Tears of Kephran |
PR |
Brigitte Gebauer (Wraith) |
R2 |
Bum's Rush |
PA3/PG3 |
Burning Wrath |
PG |
Calebros, The Martyr |
U |
Call of the Hungry Dead |
C2 |
Canopic Jar |
C2 |
Carlotta Giovanni |
PG |
Catacombs |
PS |
Catatonic Fear |
PS |
Cats' Guidance |
PR4 |
Celerity |
PA |
Celine Chevalier |
U2 |
Charisma |
R2 |
Chas Giovanni Tello |
U2 |
Chimerstry |
PR2 |
Christanius Lionel, The Mad Chronicler |
U2 |
Clan Loyalty |
PG |
Clandestine Contract |
C2 |
Cloak the Gathering |
PS3 |
Club Zombie |
R2 |
Coagulate Blood |
PA2 |
Command of the Beast |
PG |
Compel the Spirit |
PG |
Conditioning |
PG3 |
Consanguineous Boon |
Conservative Agitation |
Contingency Planning |
C2 |
Contract |
PA4 |
Corruption |
PS4 |
Count Ormonde |
U2 |
Creepshow Casino |
R2 |
Crimson Fury |
R2 |
Daemonic Possession |
C2 |
Dagon's Call |
C2/PA2 |
Danny Larkshill |
U2 |
Daring the Dawn |
PR |
Darius Styx |
PR |
Dead-End Alley |
PR |
Dedefra |
PS |
Deflection |
PG2 |
Deny |
R2 |
Depravity |
PG |
Disease |
PA2 |
Dismemberment of Osiris |
R2 |
Disputed Territory |
PG |
Dominate |
PG |
Draba |
C2 |
Drawing Out the Beast |
PR |
Dreams of the Sphinx |
PG |
Ecstasy |
C2/PS2 |
Ecstatic Agony |
R2 |
Edge Vitiation |
R2 |
Effective Management |
PS |
Elder Impersonation |
PS |
Elder Library |
PG |
Enchant Kindred |
PS3 |
Enticement |
C2 |
Enzo Giovanni, Pentex Board of Directors |
PG |
Erosion |
PA |
Eruption of Vitae |
R2 |
Ex Nihilo |
R2 |
Extortion |
C2 |
Exuding Blood |
C2 |
Ezmerelda |
R |
Far Fatuus |
PR |
Far Mastery |
PG |
Fast Hands |
PA |
Fata Amria |
R2 |
Fata Morgana |
PR4 |
Fatima al-Faqadi |
PA |
Felix 'Fix' Hessian (Wraith) |
R2 |
Fida'i |
U2 |
Flak Jacket |
PS |
Flash |
PA5 |
Fleecing the Gaje |
R2 |
Force of Will |
PR2 |
Forced Awakening |
PA2/PS2 |
Foreshadowing Destruction |
PG3 |
Forgotten Labyrinth |
PA |
Form of Corruption |
PS |
Form of the Serpent |
PS3 |
Fortitude |
PR |
Fortune Teller Shop |
PR |
Foul Blood |
PA |
Francesca Giovanni |
PG |
Free States Rant |
C2 |
Gabrin |
U2 |
Garrote |
C/PA |
Gaspare Giovanni |
PG |
Ghivran Dalaal, The Dead God |
U2 |
Gillespi Giovanni |
U2 |
Giuseppe, Gravedigger |
PG |
Gloria Giovanni |
PG |
Goratrix |
U |
Govern the Unaligned |
PG2 |
Grand Temple of Set |
PS |
Grasp the Ghostly |
C2 |
Guard Dogs |
PR2 |
Guard Duty |
C |
Guardian Angel |
PR |
Gustav Mallenhous |
U2 |
Haakon Mortensen |
U2 |
Hadrian Garrick |
PS |
Hannigan |
U2 |
Harika Guljan |
PA |
Haunt |
C2/PG |
Haven Uncovered |
PG2 |
Heart of Darkness |
PS |
Heartblood of the Clan |
PA |
Heidelberg Castle, Germany |
PR |
Hesha Ruhadze |
PS |
Honor the Elders |
C2 |
Horrid Reality |
PR |
Humanitas |
PS |
Husamettin |
PA |
Ignis Fatuus |
PR2 |
Illusions of the Kindred |
PR |
Immortal Grapple |
PG |
Imposing Phantasm |
R2 |
Inbase Discotek, Frankfurt |
PR |
Increased Strength |
PG2 |
Intisar |
PS |
Isabel Giovanni |
PG |
Ivan Krenyenko |
U2 |
Jake Washington (Hunter) |
R2 |
Jalal Sayad |
U2 |
Jan Pieterzoon |
U |
Jar the Soul |
PG2 |
Joaquina Amaya |
PR |
Julian Sanders |
U2 |
Kali's Fang |
PA |
Kalinda |
PA |
Kanya Akhtar |
PA |
Kemintiri |
PS |
Kephamos, High Priest of Marrakech |
PS |
Khabar: Loyalty |
R2 |
Khalil Anvari |
PS |
Khalil Ravana |
PR |
Khay'tall, Snake of Eden |
U2 |
Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar |
R2 |
Kindred Coercion |
PG |
King of the Mountain |
C2 |
Kostantin, Baro of the Caravan |
PR |
Lalitha |
PS |
Laptop Computer |
Lázár Dobrescu |
PR |
Leather Jacket |
PS |
Left for Dead |
R2 |
Legendary Vampire |
PA |
Leonardo, Mortician |
PG |
London Evening Star, Tabloid Newspaper |
PR |
Lost in Crowds |
PS3 |
Lupine Assault |
R |
Lure of the Serpent |
PS |
Malleable Visage |
R2 |
Marciana Giovanni, Investigator |
U2 |
Marianna |
U2 |
Marijava Ghoul |
PS |
Mario Giovanni |
PG |
Mark of Damnation |
PS |
Market Square |
PA |
Masquer (Wraith) |
C2/PG |
Mass Reality |
PR |
Max Lowell |
U2 |
Meat Hook |
C |
Melek |
PA |
Melisande |
U2 |
Mind Numb |
PS2 |
Minion Tap |
PA |
Mirror Image |
C2/PR |
Misdirection |
PS |
Morgue Hunting Ground |
PG |
Mummy's Tongue |
PS |
Mythic Form |
R |
Natalia |
PR |
National Guard Support |
R2 |
Necromancy |
PG2 |
Nefertiti |
U2 |
Nehsi |
U2 |
Nepata |
PS |
Obfuscate |
PS |
Opium Den |
PS |
Palatial Estate |
PR |
Park Hunting Ground |
PR |
Parmenides |
PA |
Parnassus |
PA |
Patshiv |
C2/PR2 |
Paul DiCarlo, The Alpha |
U2 |
Pentex Subversion |
PS |
Perfect Clarity |
R2 |
Phobia |
PS |
Pochtli |
U2 |
Political Stranglehold |
PG |
Possession |
PG2 |
Potence |
PG |
Powerbase: Rome |
PG |
Presence |
PS |
Priestess of Sekhmet |
C2 |
Provision of the Silsila |
R2 |
Pseudo-Blindness |
C2 |
Psyche! |
PA2 |
Puppeteer (Wraith) |
R2 |
Purity of the Beast |
PR |
Pursuit |
PA6 |
Qadir ul-Ghani |
U2 |
Qetu the Evil Doer (Bane Mummy) |
R2 |
Qufur am-Heru |
U2 |
Quickness |
PA |
Quietus |
PA2 |
Rafastio Ghoul |
C |
Ramona |
U |
Rapid Healing |
PR |
Rat's Warning |
PR3 |
Ravnos Cache |
PR |
Ravnos Carnival |
PR |
Reality |
C2 |
Red Herring |
C2/PR |
Regina Giovanni, The Right Hand of Augustus |
PG |
Reinforcements |
R2 |
Relentless Pursuit |
C |
Resilience |
PR2 |
Restoration |
PR3 |
Rolling with the Punches |
PR |
Rom Gypsy |
PR |
Rudolfo Giovanni |
PG |
Ruins of Villers Abbey, Belgium |
PA |
Sacrificial Lamb |
PA |
Salbatore Bokkengro |
PR |
Samat Ramal-Ra, Archon |
U2 |
Saqqaf, Keeper of the Grand Temple of Set |
PS |
Sarisha Veliku |
PR |
Sarrasine |
U2 |
Sasha Miklos |
PR |
Saturday-Night Special |
PR |
Save Face |
C |
Scorpion Sting |
PR2 |
Scorpion's Touch |
C2 |
Secure Haven |
PS |
Sennuwy, The Promoter |
U2 |
Sensory Deprivation |
PR |
Sensory Overload |
C2 |
Serpentis |
PS2 |
Set's Call |
R2 |
Shadow Parasite |
R2 |
Shambling Hordes |
C2 |
Shilmulo Deception |
C2 |
Short-Term Investment |
Shroud Mastery |
R2 |
Sideslip |
PA2 |
Silvia Giovanni |
PG |
Sir Marriot D'Urban |
U2 |
Skin of Rock |
PR1 |
Skin of the Adder |
C2 |
Sleight of Hand |
R2 |
Smoke Grenade |
R2 |
Sniper Rifle |
R2 |
Social Charm |
PS3 |
Song in the Dark |
PR |
Song of Serenity |
PR3 |
Soul Stealing |
PG |
Spectral Divination |
PG3 |
Spider-Killer |
U2 |
Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk |
U2 |
Sport Bike |
PA |
Staredown |
PS2 |
Starshell Grenade Launcher |
C |
Stefano Giovanni |
PG |
Strained Vitae Supply |
PG |
Stutter-Step |
C2 |
Succulent Vitae |
C2/PA2 |
Summon Soul |
C2/PG2 |
Summon the Serpent |
PS |
Superior Mettle |
PR2 |
Sutekh, The Dark God |
R |
Swallowed by the Night |
PA3/PS |
Tajdid |
R2 |
Tansu Bekir |
PA |
Tariq, The Silent |
U2 |
Taste of Death |
PA4 |
Tegyrius, Vizier |
U2 |
Temple Hunting Ground |
PS |
Temptation |
PS |
Terror Frenzy |
PR |
The Ancestor's Talisman |
PA |
The Damned |
PS |
The Death of My Conscience |
PG |
The Final Nights |
C2 |
The Ghouls of Plaza Moreria |
R2 |
The Jones |
C2/PS2 |
The Khabar: Honor |
PA2 |
The Kiss of Ra |
PR |
The Mausoleum, Venice |
PG |
The Parthenon |
PG |
The Path of Blood |
PA |
The Path of Bone |
R2 |
The Path of Paradox |
R2 |
The Path of Typhon |
PS |
The Realm of the Black Sun |
PS |
The Sargon Fragment |
R2 |
The Summoning |
C2 |
The Trick of the Danya |
PR2 |
Theo Bell |
U |
Theron |
U2 |
Thetmes, Caliph of Alamut |
PA |
Thin Blood |
C2/PA2 |
Thoughts Betrayed |
PG |
Thrones Crumble |
C2 |
Thrown Gate |
PG2 |
Tomb of Rameses III |
PA |
Tongue of the Serpent |
PS3 |
Torment the Soul |
PG2 |
Tortured Confession |
C2/PG2 |
Tower of London |
R2 |
Trap |
PR |
Treasured Samadji |
R2 |
Tsigane |
PR |
Tutu the Doubly Evil One (Bane Mummy) |
R2 |
Undead Strength |
PG4 |
Underworld Hunting Ground |
PA |
Ur-Shulgi, The Shepherd |
R |
Vaclav Petalengro |
PR |
Vascular Explosion |
C2 |
Vedel Esbreno |
U2 |
Veil of Silence |
C2 |
Veneficorum Artum Sanguis |
R2 |
Venenation |
C2/PS2 |
Venetian Conference |
C2 |
Vial of Garou Blood |
PG |
Victoria Ash |
U |
Violation of Trust |
PS |
Visit from the Capuchin |
R2 |
Vittorio Giovanni |
PG |
Wake with Evening's Freshness |
PG2 |
Wave of Lethargy |
R2 |
Week of Nightmares |
R |
Wendell Delburton (Hunter) |
R2 |
Whispers from the Dead |
PG2 |
White Phosphorus Grenade |
PS |
Yusuf, Scribe of Alamut |
U2 |
Zahir, Hand of the Silsila |
U2 |
Zillah's Valley |
C |
Zombie |
PG |