Minor Curse

Nazwa Minor Curse
Edycja Heirs to the Blood   (lista kart)
Rarity R
Tekst karty +1 stealth action.
[mal] (D) Put this card on any minion. This minion's controller doesn’t replace cards played by this minion until the end of the action. [mal] is not a Discipline.
[MAL] As above, but the cards are not replaced until the discard phase of that turn.
Rodzaj Action   
Dyscyplina Maleficia
Burn Option Y
Rysownik Avery Butterworth
Nazwa Edycja [down] Rarity Cena Ilość Koszyk Stan Sprzedawca
Minor Curse Heirs to the Blood EN R 12.00 PLN 5 M/NM PL sbodek